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Gallery of macabredove
New ROD Avatar macabredove
Just an avatar i made for my RO Diary, ever since I saw people mixing the marionette wires and player characters I've always wanted to try one and so this is my result, I also used Violy's skin color just for kicks, I'm proud of it but I'd also like to see what others think.

Oh, um and if anyone could recommend a program I could use for saving jpegs so that they aren't all gritty it would be very much appreciated.

Ro Diary Icon macabredove
Rather simple, the only real edit here is the rogue hand which was originally closed, and as you can guess it was inspired by Charlie's Angels infamous pose.

Since CRSC only accepts JPEG's and GIF's here's a cleaner BMP if your interested.

Ack, sorry, was signed in as you... ^_^;;;; *wrote the above comment*
Looks awesome ^_^~
Anime Sprite Edits macabredove
Just thought I'd post sprites I made for some friends, from left to right:
Name Anime Base NPC
Meroko ~ Full Moon wa Sagashite ~ Comodo Kafra NPC
Takuto ~ Full Moon wa Sagashite ~ Arena NPC
Shigure ~ Fruit's Basket/Furuba ~ Amatsu NPC
Mitsuki ~ Full Moon wa Sagashite ~ Generic Girl NPC

Overall I'm pretty proud of these edits as I don't dabble much in sprite editing still it's pretty shoddy but I can hope I'll do better in the future.

Takuto is really nice. ^^

Even though I hate Fullmoon, I like it. X3
I like Meroko best ;P~
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