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Gallery of kotodama
Addicted to YGGDRASIL PIE kotodama
Well~ I haven't uploaded anything for a long time, so here's a signature I made for a forum of the server I play on. My username is Yggdrasil Pie there so, basically... Yggdrasil Pie for all!

Edited the hands and the delicious looking Yggdrasil Pie. :D

omg it looks sooo yummy *-*
love it x3
Gaian Avatar! kotodama
I've been bored lately so I made a sprite of my Gaia Online Avatar. It's pretty plain cause I'm really poor. :P

nice edit
Father Abel Nightroad kotodama
Mmm~ I'm such a big Trinity Blood fan, here's a tiny sprite of Abel~ one of my favorite characters! It's so hard to try to fit all the detail into a tiny little sprite like that. (I based it off of the artwork from the novel.) But yeaa~ *snuggles Abel to death*

Serge from Chrono Cross kotodama
I just finished a request from a friend. It's Serge from Chrono Cross~ and he's going to put it in his server somewhere. ^^ I'm happy cause he told me he wasn't going to use any of my sprites. >.> Well now he is so I'm working extra hard to make it look all neat and stuff. XD

Random Professor Skill? kotodama
This is the first time I made an RO animation. I recolored the professor sprite to match the Magic Instructor Hat and I made up a random skill... because I think the original RO earth skills are ugly... Hooray for leaves!

I love it! If only they had that lovely skill. I <3 leaves.
I like it <3 The animation is great!

FFX-2 Yuna kotodama
I never played FFX-2 and I'm not too fond of Yuna's new outfit... but my friend made me make this icon for him. >.>

Psycho le Cemu kotodama
Psycho le Cemu is one of my favorite J-rock bands ever. It's really a shame that they broke up. :( Here's edits for Daishi, the vocalist, Aya the guitarist and Seek the Bassist.

I've got to say, anyone who makes Psycho le Cemu sprite rocks my socks. It is a shame they broke up. =( Really good job though. Ear fins always made me think of Seek xP
Death Note Montage kotodama
Here's all the main characters for the Death Note Manga! I was in a really big Death Note high when I made this... plus the characters are relatively simple to make. XD Power to L!

OMG So funny ryukku XP! Very well n.n
*_* niiiiiice.... luv it !!!! *¬*!!!

and yes i think so too.....Ls feet re too big xD
Vallynne Blackburn
So cool..! xD ~

Looks so much better than my Raito *kyaa, Raito so cute!*

And I love the way u did to Ryuuku, hehe..

But, I think L's feet too big.. --a
Thats awesome dude.
Matsuda owns you all! xD
Nice !!!

especially Ryukku, It's looks same and really great, I think you can put Mutant dragonoid wing on it.. I think Ryukku has wings... Request for sprite of Ryukku with an apple... I think it will be cute...
Tir McDohl kotodama
This one was for a friend who's a big fan of Suikoden. I present... Tir McDohl from Suikoden I! I edited it based off one of the NPC sprites on RO... and it's not my best work but it's cute. ^^

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