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Gallery of cReObNiL
Vennominaga The deity of poisenes Snakes cReObNiL
Isis Edit ^^

YamiCO cReObNiL
YamiCO is the new Kafraservice in my Server YamiRO... ^^
Its nothing big... but i have made many of them... xD female and male...

Alan - Your Death
Interesting. A nice job you did on these.. I prefer the right one. xD'
Sephiroth - the one winged angel cReObNiL
Im a big Sephiroth fan.... xD here... ^^

this is so cool!!!! =]]]]
this is so cool!!!! =]]]]
wow so cool i like it
Dark Knight ^^ cReObNiL
Since I've just been newly registered, I'll introduce myself a little bit soon. ^ ^ I hope you like my sprites ...

Sooooooo.... xD

This is my beginning. ^ ^ Get a few new job classes pixeling By here, I'm almost done xD What do you say?? ^ ^ *Smile*
Are my first sprites hope that you like it ^ _ ^ "
(And even in the times ahead my English is not the best, sorry xDxD)

edit: The second frame was editet and from MKDOT
(@Waves: you say it xD)


You are funny. Google's your friend.

This is one of Gravity's professional spriters. It is being adapted into RO1.
-To Elcee : I'm not blind,and yes,I can clearly see the picture.And YEAH those are gravity colors.Not the colors of the PC game,but gravity used those colors for the Dark Knight in the DS-game.And the DK is existing in the DS-game ONLY. It was published by GungHo,but the Art Work and the colors were done by Gravity.
The only thing what Waves want say was that the dark knight from gravity have the same colors... ^^
It would not be a dark knight without these colors. ^ ^
Waves, you must be blind. Or you just can't clearly see the picture. The pixels are blurry, and no. They don't use gravity colors. Compare this sprite to another decent sprite. You'll see a big difference.
Sorreh . :'D Accidentally Double posted.

-To Elcee : creobnil used gravity colors,as far as I can see?The original DK from the DS-game has those colors as well. It may propably not exactly be the same color as gravity's artwork,but nearly the same,that's for sure.
Why didn't you leave credit to MKDot? MKDot did one or more frames that you were using as base for your DK.You should always give credit for stuff from other people,whether it's free or not,otherwhise you claim it to be yours,and after that complications often follow,remember that.
What can I say..It's a pretty good try I guess.HOWEVER you need to stop with all this Okay-so-that-my-name-is-clearly-shown-I-lay-a-50%-transparency-creobnil pattern-on-my-pic. Just cut it,it's all about the sprites anyway and nobody is going to steal your stuff without dealing with the consequence if that's what you're worrying about,but my comment is not about that name stuff since you wanted to change it anyways.Well,what I am,and this is important to me,wanted to ask you is simply : [next comment]
I used the sprite from MKDot as a template for all the frames ... ^ ^
The version of MKDot looks better than that of the NDS game ...
So I took the Assassin and edited it.
The 2nd frame looks quite a bit like this:

Which is from MKDot. Just saying. Overall it could use some improvement. Some more gravity colors would be nice. Plus like Bixlow said. It could just be the quality.
Sorry... T__T
But its only a preview...
I upload a better one when im done. ^^
I like...but theres something that makes me hate it.... its that i cant fully see it properly.
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