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Gallery of Undera
October Sig Undera
This is a signature I made for myself. Too bad I don't post to alot of forums so this was sorta pointless. I had fun making it though. ^^

Yeah, I haven't done that yet. I'm trying to work on 3 sigs/avatars at once. I guess I need to pick one and finish for once. @_@
i like the background ^^ but i guess u forgot to make the pink places transparent ^^''
Pokiehl Undera
This is my supernovice, Pokiehl. I had her adopted a few months back. She's so cute running around kicking people in the face! ^_^ I use her in War of Emperium alot and because she's so small no one ever notices she's there. XD

Hyzbunny Undera
Bunnies <3
Someone remind me to get Photoshop one of these days. o_o

Dancer with Clothes! Undera
I made this for a friend, rather a family member, who also plays RO. She kept complaining because dancers were sorta half-naked and she requested some clothes. Hope this makes her happy. @_@
I wonder how dancers can withstand weather like snow. >_o

Scythe Priestess! Undera
My second edit here. I feel bad because I don't level my priestess anymore so I made this. I wanted to make her more evil looking because her name is "Dark" Hyzenthlay but it didn't turn out the way I hoped.
I changed her dress a little at the bottom but not much.
Don't hurt me Hyzen >.<

Priest + Crescent Scythe
The best Weapon that can (not -.-""") a Priest use *.*
Hello ^^ Undera
Hi all. I'm a little new here so please don't throw rocks at me or anything. >_<;
I was looking through my sprite folder and found a chalkboard, at least I think it's a chalkboard, and decided to use that instead of a sign. Signs are dull...and boring.
<3 Whitesmith Shoes.

Really Cute^__^ I like the Head o.o
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