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Gallery of Tekila
Der Grüne Engel? Tekila
Das war ne absolute blitzidee und da ich kein talent in sachen Klamotten habe ist alles an dem teil von irgendeinem Monster genommen. Als Basis diente ne Dancer.

Serafin on Stage Tekila
Why are the sprites here supposed to be so small? I love making whole scenes and they are alsway kinda big p_p
Well guess no one's gonna change that so..hmm something about the sprite, hu?
Okay it shows (what do you expect?) Serafin and all our ingame friends. I don't name anybody if you want to know ASK. Just two of them are important. First of all the sin with the scythe next to her. That is myself. I got a Jr. Baphomet as a pet and I really, really love this fuzzy, two-leged goat-demon. So I let it dance on the stage, while I'm taking care of his scythe °(=3)(<-- did you know, that this is a Poring?)
And another important person is the hunter who does the /swt
His name is Kulle and he is the husband of he is a little bit upset about his dancing wife ^.-
Hope you like it.

Feel your heart... Tekila
Why has every sprite I do anything to do with Sinandez?
Well..doesn't really matter so: She just gave me the idea for doing this when she made her signature ( It's very similar to my one). After I did the background I saw a more bloody background but it was too late p___p Soo mean, isn't it?
Well, hope you like it. Looking forward to see some comments.

Riding the moon Tekila
I wanted to do a sprite with Munak and Bongun because I just love those two. They are so cute (actually are they lovers or just sister and brother? I'm not pretty sure). The background isn't quiet good but without it would look kinda empty oO
Nothin' else to tell about sooo..well, just have fun and uhm..
H.e.a.l. (don't try to translate it's a german shortcut ^^)

hehe^^ i like this two^^ it looks so cute how they are standing in the moon :)
Gypsi riding a Gryphon Tekila
This is for Serafin (am I still supposed to tell you that this is Sinandez?) Because she thinks it should be possible to ride a Gryphon, when you're Gypsi.
I just dunno how to make the hair look like wind is blowing through it so it does look kinda strange (the Gryphon is flying but the hair of the gypsie just stays as straight as it is...)
Hope you like it.

Signature Tekila
well,well, well.. This is my very first Sprite-Signature. It shows me and Serafin (Sinandez). We played Ragnarok together for such a long time that she just adopted me as her big sister. And well if you keep pretending something like being sisters somwhere in your mind it's getting true.
I had a lot of trouble with this damn bg! So, please, tell me where am I able to improve my Spriteskills?


Isn´t it funny how the sprites of Gypsy and SinX fit together?
Theater-Szene Tekila
The orchestra is playing, while the evil Succubus tries to kill the helpless dancer. But there the brave Bard jumps in protecting the maiden with is live.
I saw that Stage in RO and I just had to make this sprite.
But the one you can see is just the smaller one.
You can see it here in its full size.
Hope you like it,

very nice! ^^
PF-Crew Tekila
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah That was a lot of work.... I love this Sprite. This Picture shows the complete PF-Crew and anyone of us has his own Pokémon-Char:

The one in the left corner is Nodishi, the red one in the middle is Cori, the white one, whos sitting next to her is Tobi, behind Tobi, the one with the Fire wings is Shayrun, this guy with the blue wings is Aruki, next to him (the yellow-black one) is Serafin (Sinandez), and next to her (on the right) is Nami and this green thing is me.

I love this sprite, because it shows all my best friends (well, I don´t like Nodishi, but he could be "nice").

hmm let me guess:
Latias and Rayquaza (the other two I don't know (mabe the black red one is Sneasel))
Waaah, sieht das geil aus!!
du hast das rayquaaza problem super gelöst, du siehst klasse aus XD
mein favorit ist nami, der hut ist gut geworden^^
Aruki Tekila
Yeah! XD I love this Sprite, because it´s a guy from our
chat-crew. His Nickname is Arktos, but we call him Arki or Aruki. He got the nick from a Pokémon the english people here perhaps know it as Articuno.
The wings are from a Harpy and this feather on the head too.
I think, I´ll make sprites from the complete PF-Crew (PF means´s a Pokémon-Page XD)
Enjoy the Sprite,

kanns net sehn, weiß aber eh wies aussieht XD
ich mag die idee, von uns allen was zu machen; ich fang dann auch schonmal an <.<
darfsch dooch, oder? ich mach dich^^
Death Tekila
It´s a real dark Sprite, at a real dark day. I´m at the moment really worry about a good friend, who has some big problems. And now something about the sprite:

I´ts just a male roguewith a female head and the standing one is the soul of the bloody one (You understand what I want to say? my english is bad XD). The wings are from a head gear (I´m crazy, you know?)..the head gear, which I used for my first sprite. More I can´t say, but this picture is telling a long story..a really sad story, which is going on at the moment.

oh, mir fällt grad ein, dass ichs ja auf deutsch schreiben soll XD
dass das so leuchtet sieht witzig aus, is aber okay
und - besorg dir winrar. dann kannst du schliesslich von der seite auch die ganzen sprites downloaden.
die idee mit pretend murdered (dem schwert da) is echt gut^^
Vampire Tekila
My second Sprite. It´s much better than the first one ^__^

And this is for Sinandez:
I took the wings from
this monster.
I´ve colored them and I delete this stings.
Enjoy it.

PS: I can speak german, and my english is..ehmm....<.< >.> comment XD

could make a vampire red
his eyes were bloodshot and his clothes rich flame red hair
and another
you good
can baseball!
She just killed PF crew xD
TELL something about your pics >.<
where did you get the wings??
for the first "bloody" try its nice^^
Skyboard Tekila
My first sprite..i don´t like it. More I can´t say...

It's cute ^_^ <3
Dark Love
i love the wings ^_^ ! (he looks so peaceful)
because she wont say anything: She did the board and some recoloring :P
i think its better then some of the first ones that can be seen here^^
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