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Gallery of Sinandez
What a peaceful Day Sinandez
Yesh... my little family XD
I edited MUCH in this. The Arms, the whole sitting pose of Serafin, Kulle is basically created from scratch, and Yumi-chan is simply cute!

I resized Yumis sprite by 25%... dont know the real percentage, but i tried this :/

soo sweet qq
That emoticon is hilarious :b
How sweet <3
It's Lovely.
I don´t think so Tim! Sinandez
I made this for a friend.
For one reason or another, he always says "I don´t think so Tim!"
I´m guessing it´s from some kind of TV show I don´t know...

Well, he wanted his X-Dresser Sin-Xwith a Creator... he didn´t exactly say that he wanted the Creator to be alive ^__^

Bard Gif Sinandez
This is in the same Style as the other two animations. A friend really liked them, and requested one with his Bard "Vento"
Actually, i think thats one of my worst gifs. I didnt edit very much, which was the thought of the first two Animations, had many many problems with the new Gifmaker I downloaded and screwed up the Colors of the Bards clothes.
The only thing I like is the slow Text and the Angelwings. The ones seen first are modified by me to fit the way he holds his head o__O

Angel of Flame Sinandez
Eine zweite Sig, meiner Forumsig nachempfunden. Mochte irgendwie den Stil o_O
Die Schrift ist Seraphim :) Fast wie mein Spitzname Serafin.
Bei meiner Forumsig hab ich Tequila genommen.... XD
Oh man war das lustig...

Fight for your Life...! Sinandez
Jahaa, das is die gleiche Sig wie meine, für meine Bigge Sis Tekila ^__^
Einziger aufbau-technischer Unterschied ist, dass Teki Waffen hat. Ich dachte einfach, ohne wärs nich so gut wie mit. Ist schließlich Sin :/
Bei der SinX weiß ich gar nich mehr, was ich da geändert hab, aber sie gefällt mir trotzdem XD Ich hab vor, die Sigs demnächst mal als Ani zu machen... aber das liegt noch in der Ferne XD

Musical Angel Sinandez
Das ist die Gypsy aus meiner Sig. Ich hatte soviel Arbeit in sie investiert, da wollte ich sie lieber mal so richtig ins Rampenlicht setzen, anstatt sie im Hintergrund der Sig verkümmern zu lassen...
Achja ich HASSE gif und jpg -.-

great! ^_^
die farben sind toll.. <3
wirkt dadurch richtig lebendig x3!

btw: Danke für dein comment ^_^
I will dance...! (Sig die ich nie benutzen werde) Sinandez
Juhuu, es gibt mich nooch ~
Jaja, ich habe im Moment kein Ragnarok zur Hand, also hab ich wieder angefangen zu spriten.

Das da is ne Sig, bei der ich ein bissl Ideen geklaut hab... Ich weiß nimmer wo, aber ich hab mal eine Novizin im Schoß einer Highpriest gesehn und fand das sooo süß. So hab ich das also mal für meine Dancer sig genommen ;)
Auf die Gypsy bin ich besonders stolz... bei den anderen habe ich nur jeweils die Hände editiert, aber da hab ich fast ALLES neu gespritet. Die Beine, die Arme und Hände, teilweise der Bauch... anstrengend XD

Der HG ist mein erster Versuch an einer professionellen Signatur. Demnach gefällt er mir auch nur ansatzweise. Ich hab keine Ahnung, wie die Profis das machen, aber ich habe ganz einfach einen Farbigen Hintergrund gesucht und diverse Ornamente draufgepackt...
Was sagen oben genannte Profis....?

Curryschaaf Sinandez
Das Schaaaf Cori.
kA warum sie das Schaf ist, sie isses einfach. Das Schaaaf.
die mademoiselle hat relativ lange gedauert, da ich sie erstmal nackisch machen musste.... und die eine hand ist mir putt gegangen, musste ich die auch neu machen
naja, dem schaaaf gewidmet^^

das ist sooooooooooooooooo süß *_*!
gute Wahl der Frisur... passt perfekt ~ <3
Expensive White Fur o.O Sinandez
Cherubin kills poor Lunatics.
I swear, i couldn´t stop her!!
she would have taken my Pockys away <_<
I like her anyway.
what did i change? um...? i forgot.
and, yes, im kinda schizo. Cheru´s my darker self, Sera´s my lighter, and i´m somewhere in the middle.
Oh and theres Anonym, third invader of my mind. ill get to her later ^^""

(Why do i write this stuff anyway? I know noones interested in my stupid bodymates.[I call them that, you know? Room-Mate, Body-Mate])

(Quve: Is that an octopus on the head?)

He has got it right. It looks more on an octopus than a wild hairestyle.
Like how u did the lace. Could u pelase send me the instructions on how u make lace. And did u use a female monk sprite as the body or am i mistaken. /no1
interesting idea o.O actually, thats her hair. I wanted it to look wild, doesnt seem to do well now XD
(Why do i write this stuff anyway? I know noones interested in my stupid bodymates.[I call them that, you know? Room-Mate, Body-Mate])

Because I like reading stories about how everyone comes up with ideas for sprite edits. All the more inspiring.

Is that an octopus on the head?
FIRST Sprite Edit >__< Sinandez
I hate this one. Dont ask how the idea came up, it was made two years ago.
sieht schrecklich aus XD
Damals war mein spitzname schon Serafin... fällt mir nur grad auf ^^"

I want!! I want this to be my gypsy sprite while playing Ro!!! I want!!! LOL!!
a very strange Wedding Sinandez
äähm, ja.
Blödheit tut weh, ich weiß.
Aki und ich fühlten uns ein wenig von den PF-Jungs verarscht, deswegen ham wir beschlossen zu heiraten
nich haun!
wird schon witzig werden ^^"
(Ich hasse gifs)

The 2 characters on the right are great. I like how u modified the npc srites.
one word........

weird...! hehehehe
Serafin - the Lynx Girl Sinandez
eh, this time, the title is stupid, but okay.
this is mee^^ and i didnt change anything at all XD
colors and the ears and the tail, nothing more. still like it, though <.<
next ill try nami, who cant decide wich animal she wants oO

U dyed the kimono very well. I like the red. But I'm sorry to admit but could u modify the tail and the ears. I know u can improve them much better. /no1
Shayrun - the Wolfs Bride Sinandez
XD i like that title...
ahem. its shayla ^^ i didnt get the black hair right, so she now has blue. and i hope she will forgive the pinkness, it just BELONGED here! XD
next is me, Cori has no animal she wants to be - okay, shes a sheep, but i dont feel like spriting sheeps @.@
mine is a (Luchs) dunno how its called in english^^

the face is from the same NPC i got the hair oO
i only added the nose
and i didnt do much else XD but thanks anyway^^
Yeah, really nice face especially <;
Its bobcat :3
And very nice spriting btw, i really like it <3
Tekila - the tiger warrior Sinandez
Okay, again, its for aki. Our pfCrew all as their own animal, and akis is the tiger^^ so i changed an npc into her XD
Next one is Shayrun, her animal is wolf~

horo-horo did you the tiger stripes?
I love it !! -^0^-
Das is geeeeeeeeil XD I´m a Tiger baby XD
poor Akila Sinandez
this is for aki, because shes been deadly depressed since yesterday~
Ich hoffe das tröstet dich ein bisschen, ich hab mir sehr viel Mühe gegeben.
Leider weiß ich deine Haarfarbe nich, du musst mir unbedingt mal ein Bild von dir schicken!
*knuddelt die arme Tekila ganz doll*
Das wird schon wieder schatzi!

Oh.....Danke Serafinchen. Mir gehts auch wieder besser ^_^.
PS: schick mir die CD XD
Animation - the second Sinandez
this is my priestess, or how i want her to look.
i like this better, because i edited more.
i wanted her to look like shes leaning against that not visible trunk XD

Beautiful blow effect for the skirt and hair. Also the eyes open beautifully.
Nice..i really like it -.^
:P Sinandez
as i said, my assassin
now the second version

I like it -^0^-
Yeah, now it's better - I like it.^^
nice pic ^_^
split personality Sinandez
aah yes~ my two favourite chars of "My very own Being" XD
These are Serafin (the green one) and Cherubin (the red)
cherubin is a lady-like figure that loves wine and the best part of life, but definitely is a dark creature.
for example: She collects skulls *brr*
serafin is a good, always laughing young girl with too much fantasy, and the young naive of this pair. She loves flowers and cats^^

this is without the background, im currently working on that part.

cool I like it. Espacially Cherubin she´s cool (if she isn´t angry she can be really nice).
Dark Love
oo coolz, i wanna see what thos chars look like on there own ^_^
First RO edit ever ~not much, really~ Sinandez
this is my first sprite edit. (I had one before, but lost it)
I wanted to use it in the forums of q-ro,
so i put a sig around it XD
lost the sprite without sig
as you may see, i only editted the hand.
and that was very hard to do,
so i think ill keep my ro sprites as they are...
what do you think?

Dark Love
oo green hunter outfit /rice the BG is awesome ^_^
Well, the hand is a lil bit big, but the rest is nice...
I like the bg!
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