Preparing for mechanic future...
But Shaggy usually crash things, then repair X)
Now i maked anthro wolf head for my charter =)
Shaggy in furry-form on a wild Goat
We have own methods against crocodiles in canalization.
I'm very hating artspamers!
They not make something good or cool and hide in update line interesting things >:[
Training battle between racoon-tanuki and werewolf, when both in human form.
Preview to my new animation... Battle animation =)
Many people like is ride at gryphon or dragon from Abyss. But who like ride at wild goat? =) Only to crazy, like me XD
Evil forest wizard make my brother into raccoon...
Characters: Orpheus the bard, Ashram the sage, Shaggy the smith ^_^
It is based on real events =D
Orphy is poor fellow, he long after swore =)
At once in Bilian's cave...
Greed this second happiness
It occurs each full moon...