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Gallery of OneTwo
Archbishop~. OneTwo
Just an edited Arch Bishop. =p

-Everything pretty much~.

[Please do not steal/use my edited picture without my permission. D: Thank you~.]

Loves it! :D
Warlock.. OneTwo
Just a random warlock I edited. Nishies got me a little more into editing sprites. =o
Edited almost everything.

[I'm not satisfied with the head/hair. Too lazy to try fix it.. Satisfied with everything else. =o]

Gypsy with a Rudra OneTwo
My version of a gypsy. =x Rudra is my favorite bow and I wanted to make a gypsy have one ..

Customized the:
-Hand that is holding the rudra.

That's about it.

[Inspired by Nishie ~ My best friend.]

Thanks Nishies ~ <3 xD *I like the color of purple..xD* I coulda done a better pose too maybe..

[By the way--check your email.] =3 You'll see my ugliest work there.
Sexyness :3 I love the pose, hair and the way you editted the rudra bow :D All fits together so well.

I really like that colour you used too x3! <33
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