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Gallery of Niva
abduction o.o Niva
Princess Zelda is being kidnapped by Ganon-Knight-Thingie.
It was my first (and only for sure xD) animated Sprite-Edit, I spent a lot of time on it and although I worked on it for hours it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to. ._. Sooo little movement in there, blah, I'm sorry. .-. I'll try to improve my (animated? q.q) pixel-stuff. :3

Wee~ thanks xD

*pokes Jackü* You didn't see anything! x)

awwwwww nivüüüüü~ *_______* *abknudsch*
boah ist die priestress cute o.ov

boah toll toll*_* *favorisier *.* *

aber nivü ö.ö das sieht ein wenig pervers aus also da wo der seine hände hat ._." *poke*
wow, so cuuuute ^_^
Wow nice ^_^
Aww~~ Yeah, Zelda is great! *-* <3

And I like this edit.. She is so helpless! T-T; (Link, come 'n rescue her! °~°)
i think it's great ^.^
Now that's cool =D
Nice Idea and Nice "Umsetzung" (can't say it in english :p)
Haha, never lose the love for Zelda! *remembers six years ago*
It's a cute edit, can't argue about the lack of movement, but I still like it. :)
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