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Gallery of Mikari
Aloysia can be mean sometimes... Mikari
She stole Loli Ruri's moon to sit on it her self...
png version:
Edits: sitting pose from some several Assasin poses put together.
Colors ... just plain standard colors from the character
All done in ms paint
and all are officially (C) by Gravity

Kimono girl [1st!] Mikari
Some holes in the Gif picture here is the png version:
a girl in kimono base is a novice girl with the hand from a monk girl...
It's not soooo good yet but also not bad for a first edit...
Headgear is just the normal white/myst. Rose with realistic colors...
sprite and everything (c) Gravity
edit by Mikari
(please tell me if you want to use it)

Love the details so beautiful.
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