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Gallery of Melica
Writing Time Melica
Time to write something ;)

Ok... i just took a HP sprite and makes her twinkle.

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Hihi, thank you :)
Hmm.. yes.. i should have edited her a bit more... but... hmm it was just a 10 min try ;)
If the priest was a bit edited too, it would look better.
But I like it, it's cute. ^.-
You make great edits. <3
Wenn du die Priest mehr editiert hättest, würde es besser aussehen.
Aber ich mag' es, es ist süß. ^.-
Du hast geile RO-Bilder. <3

Ich hasse es zu übersetzen. x.x XD
Dreams Melica
The text in english:

"Dreams can change the future.
But only if you open your eyes,
you can realise them."

Edited: The gm-sprite is now sitting in an other way and it ^closes its eyes now^^

Have fun^^

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Thanks :)

But the color of the cloth i didn't edited. This edit was in my sprite folder before^^ I just edited the way she is sitting :)
The flowers on the moon are so nice.
Her edited clothes are so pretty :3
hihi ;) jupp, darfst du. Danke, dass du fragst!
Whaaa~ Das ist ja süüüüüß! *_*
Kann ich mir das als Signatur im Forum von InnocentRO tun? Ich schreib' auch das es von dir ist. ^-^
Ich warte auf 'ne Antwort. xD
Welcome back Melica
Welcome back in Germany, my dear....

it's for a friend of me... shes now back here for a few days.... :)
and so i made a sprite for her to welcome her^^

Edited... hmm... not so much this time... the arm of the pala... and i made the wiz smaller show her baby will welcome her too.... and the animation.. no big thing but... nya....

enjoy it^^

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Card Playing Dream Melica
Yea^^ A new ava for my darling ;)

He loves card tricks, and cute things^^ and also his clown ;) So i made him this one...

edited: the arm of the clown and animation^^

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Gate to Love Melica
I don't know... i just felt in love in this moment i think^^ perhaps you like it^^

the only edit in this picture is that the soullinker girl know kneels down in front of the gate^^


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priests... Melica
hmm ok this is an edit^^

i edited the arms of the priest so the arm of the priest looks like "go away" and the arm of the priestress should say something like "please come in"
i'd like to show a kind of "pro" and "contra"^^

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and another ava request^^ Melica
hmm ok.. she loves her savage babe...

ok i only animated it and put the sprites together.. no real edit :/

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oh yeah baby Melica
hehe a new ava for my darling...

in this way i only edited the roses of the background from the cute dollbackgrounds^^

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a request for an ava Melica
hihi i like it^^

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i like this... Melica
its sooooo cute /kis

äh the cute little red haired fairytale character wasnt created from me.. i just found it in my sprite folder... don't know if its someones edit or one of gravity.. if you know whose it is please tell me so i can really ask for permission and also thank for this great creature :)

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may be.. i dont know... i wll search for it^^ i just found it in my sprite folder under npcs^^
It's the little sprite kid from Seiken Desetsu 2, isn't it? =o
a request for a sig Melica
hmm no real edit but it looks cute^^

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fullmoon Melica
and here the animated version^^

and for those who like to now how i made this, look here (sorry only in german):

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fullmoon Melica
hihi a new sprite edit..

ok the only edit is the arm of the gm^^
ah and for those who like to now how i made this, look here (sorry only in german):

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i've taken it from an animal painting^^ i just cut off the moon and a bit of the waves^^
i like this one
hey im wonderin where u got ur background from

happy birthday Melica

ok... the edit is only the animation^^ but i think it looks nice^^

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time to learn^^ Melica
ok i think i learned to much chemistry and physiks.. ok i just didnt start learning physik.. but i have to^^ hehe^^

hmmm.... edited.. this time.. i edited the arm of the sitting dancer.. so it seems like she is holding a book... and i turnd her manteau arround her... something else? hmm.. i just put the other things together and animeted it^^

ok have fun^^

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green wings^^ Melica
hehe i've taken the wings of Belladona-Fairy (sorry i dont know where to find her to ask her...)... and changed the colous^^

have fun with it Yukino^^

for my valentine^^ Melica
hihi^^ i like this elf^^

ok.. edited.. äh ok.. the color of the dress... the size...

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wer can i get these sprites?
Bigger? I think its too big now, cause its a bit pixy... hmm dunno^^
Cute but maybe bigger will be better
Cuteeee <3
Well I still love It =o, especially those green wings. They bright up my eyes O_O. And cute headgear too. Hehe ^^;;
hihi^^ thanks :) but i think i have to do a lot more with this sprite... agg... it seems more pixeling now then before^^
omg I love those wings =3
sweet love Melica
hmm.. ok its a new ava for my darling^^ hehe^^ i like this one...

ok edited were the arms of the dancer and bard... and in this way also the manteau of the bard^^ hmm.. what next.. oh yes.. the animation^^ (ok litlle.. but ok^^)...

hmm.. i would be glad about comments^^

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hmm.. is it a fable?^^ Melica
ok.. i didn't know what to do else^^ so i made a new sprite edit...

äh ok.. i took the ears of spring rebbit... the face of siroma... the body of rafelsia... filir wings and amisitr food^^ hehe^^ i hope you like it^^

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hihi^^ thanks^^ i like crazy creatures^^
it look a littl bit....strange O.o but funny xD
Valentinsday comes soon... Melica
... i hope you like it^^

its for my darling... but pssst^^

edited was only the arm of the gypsy, so it seems like she is giving a heart to the clown :)

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sig for Yukino Melica
have fun with it^^ i hope you like it^^

edit: the creator pulls now the cart with both hands.. and little hair edits by the creator and priest...

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ava for Yukino Melica
have fun^^ i hope you like it^^

edited: the dress of the priest looks more windy now^^

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Invitation Melica
hmm.. not a big edit... only the arm of the husband has been changed... ^^

inspired by Chukas invitation^^

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Monk vs. Poring Melica
hehe^^ a request of a guild member^^

yes i know... only the animation is the edit^^
hmm.. have fun^^

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hug me please^^ Melica
an ava for a friend^^ i hope he likes it...

hehe.. i made it out of an dead hpriest and a sitting priest^^ so she leans against him^^

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time of love^^ Melica
ok... this sprite is for an avar for a guild member^^
i hope she likes it^^

ah.. i editet the arm of the hpriest^^...

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Babytime^^ Melica
a request :)
she wished that her baby charas will dancing arount her huntress^^ and so ill made it...

here i edited the arm of the priestress (so both are in the direction to the huntress), the legs of the dancer.. (i took the scream pose and put it together with other legs^^)... and i made the alchemist sit in another way^^
oh and at last i animated it^^

have fun^^

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Uuuh a good question... so long ago... perhaps 30-50% smaller... you should rezise one and than put it next to a normal chara... i made it this way and it worked... sorry but really to long ago... i think 2 jears?
to which size did you rezise them? i need to know pl
hihi thank you :)
oh and i rezised the dancer and priest together so they got the same size... and after this i put them to the hunter and alchemist...
O.o Okay
Cause they look very good /no1
i just rezised big ones^^
Where did you get the Baby Sprites?
Thanks ^_^
alchemist Melica
pot time?^^

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alchemist edit Melica
i just took the arm of the alchemist and the hand of an high priest... mixed it together... filled in an vanilmirth and stars... and voila...^^

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also one for a friend Melica
hmm... nice priest... kind of Magnus Exorcismus perhaps^^

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ähm... i got it in my sprite sektion.. sorry dont know wherefrom... perhaps one of the sprite packet links on rocards forum...
Ummn.. where did you get that cross?
ava for a firend^^ Melica
hmm... didnt have to do much with sprite edit but... hmm...

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want to go to heaven?^^ Melica
the idea and a big part of the work hast done my darling... i only animated it^^ have fun^^

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Lunatic Evolution Melica
wished by Claudette - have fun^^

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potting alchemist Melica
or better brewing alchemist^^

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an ava for my darling Melica
... our dancer team :)

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Thanks :) I like it very much :) My cute dream team ;)
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ~~ ¦3
too cute..... x3. With the sunset......~~~~ 83
Dancing Time Melica
Smokie and Lunatic... dancing arround me :)

© by Melica - if you want to use it ask me before

its done^^ i hope it will apear here soon^^
hmm... i can try it^^
Yeah, I love the lunatic, too ... Can you made an evolved Lunatic into Eclipse? :3
I love the lunatic xD
i like this... Melica
it is for my darling :)

© by Melica - if you want to use it ask me before

also one for a friend Melica
an elfish huntres?^^

© by Melica - if you want to use it ask me before

i needed a sitting praying priest... Melica
... so i tried to make one...

© by Melica - if you want to use it ask me before

one for a friend... Melica
i hope she'll like it^^

© by Melica - if you want to use it ask me before

My first animated gif :) Melica
JEAH! I really made it!

© by Melica - if you want to use it ask me before

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