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Gallery of FFgirls
A Knight's Angel FFgirls
ArchBishop: "You can do it... I'm here for you..."

Lord Knight: "Okay.."

Basically...this is a small segment of a loading screen I made! The town is in ruins, there's death and destruction everywhere, there are actually a lot more monsters around and a few other characters, but the main focus was the Lord Knight and his deceased lover.

I edited the wing from the Violy, I changed her hair a bit, I also go the head from an NPC.

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Acolyte!! FFgirls
As the title says, it's an acolyte!

I changed her dress a bit, giving her a longer slit. I also changed her hair a bit!

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Merchie~!! FFgirls everyone knows, the bag always looks weird on the female merchants! So, I removed it!

Not really that good...especially the hat which I changed to match the Merchant's clothing color. x3

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Praying or Begging? FFgirls
When I first had it, I was thinking that they should be casting a spell. But then I noticed that they kind of looked like they were begging also. So..I was like...okay..I'll just not add the spell effects and see where that leads me!

I edited the hairs a bit, mainly on Acolyte and Priestess. I also changed the bottom of the dress on Priestess!

I would've done more, but I had no ideas at the time T_T...

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Priestess! FFgirls
I changed the bottom of the dress just a little bit to where it has a slit on both sides.

What inspired me was the fact that well..there's High Priestess for starters, but there's also the fact that whenever you see either side, there's always a slit but never in the front! So I edited it a bit!

Please do not use without my permission!!

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