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Gallery of EarthDesu
high wizard male EarthDesu
work on the high wizard. I have no idea what to simplify
and I have no idea how to work on the arms and shoulder thing...least he's not bloody covered in a cloak.

wip, job tree EarthDesu
working on suit redesign
(wizard, merchant (recolored arms, lengthened dress) rouge(recoloring the suit, adding more details, removing the fishnet)(why did I include the whole stalker?)) (just recolored the gunslinger's hair)
i'm...working on all of them.

i don't know if someone is doing/did what i am doing.
i try to use the pallet i am limited to
i really really really hate wings.

gonna work on sage some more.
and high wizard male (BLOODY CLOAK)
the magician female looked like a freaking hag.

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