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Gallery of Desuita
Maaya-chan and Poi poi! Desuita
From the ragnarok anime :3

Random xD Desuita
Well... Something random I did while trying to edit the mirror sprite : 3

Very nice. Everything in it works well together. You're quite good. I probably would have done without the wing, but that's simply my personal aesthetic choice. =P

Looking forward to much more from you. *nods*
Soul Eater Crew~ Desuita
Well... other Soul Eater sprite x-x
That's also from a couple of months ago :3
Maka Albarn, Death the Kid and Black Star from Soul Eater...
I wasn't in the mood to do maka's boots properly and black*star's gloves... so I just left them like they were on the default sprite :3

you have all the sprites for soul eater or some of they?? if so, could you please send me ? *-*
Soul Eater Moon~ Desuita
Well I was addicted in Soul Eater and RO some months ago... >_>
And I got this :3
I know it's not so good... but that's everything my newbie editing skills can do xD


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