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Gallery of Dax
Christy Dax
Edited the NPC manually. In the image there is the before/after ( il prima e il dopo ) of the sprite.
She is Zith's Girlfriend ^_^

I want a girlfriend too, can you draw me one? xD

PS: really nice edit, i like the flower in the hair ^^
One Winged Angel Dax
I've made it in the last night, with a piece of that and of this.
The sword added came from Gladiator..
The wing was ripped somewhere long ago. ^^
ps: i've edited the hair, created the scar, changed the color at the pants and lengthened them.
The belt is ripped from the greek, this is all xD

Very Nice
"with a piece of that and of this."

Very nice for a "frankenstein" lol
LOL, really good! I like this one ^^
Paladin - Kristiian - Militian Commande Dax
My png like commander of Militar force of Salem, in Veligard.
Ro-like avatar edited by paladin.
The edit is about only the gem incastonated in the armour, the sword added is made by myself previous.^^

Kristiian dead by the swords of Aster, orrible immortal player xD

Zith Serico - Thief Dax
This is a character ripped end edited by another game, no RO.
But the style is very similar^^
I made the cloack, the dagger, the pants and visible shoulder^^

Mister Tamarro Dax
This pg don't have a name.
I call him "greek", but i don't remember why!XD
Edited an alchimist, added the armour from gladiator end created the naked chest.
Simple one, not very good ;P

Mr Tamarro? Very good! XD
Gladiator Dax
Hello World!
Sorry for my english,but i'm italian =)
Here one of my old works for Rpg, Geroh the gladiator!
I've taken a image of an ipotetic upper class of novice and edit it.
The skin is more dark and i've added the little shield (ripped by Sirio of Saint Seiya xD)

I like the sword its cool :)
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