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Gallery of Crystal
My new ava Crystal
It matches with my siggy~~
Re-colored and edited stalkers hands.

Free hugs for everyone n_n

Crystal's Crew Crystal
Theres my stalker - Crystal Badelt, knight - Crystal Guilloun and alchy Moonytar going to find some new adventures. My little pwnies, so proud of ya! ^^

Finally stopped being lazy and re-colored all of them.
This is part of my newest siggy which you can find here:

Guildies siggy Crystal
I like this a lot. RaFa is such a pwning machine so he can ride everything from Peco to Chimera :D

Best friend's siggy Crystal
Actually this is second edition. Instead of Goblins there was a Lord of Death, Phendark and Werewolf. Wanted to put some badasses there because that sniper can beat everything ^^ In the end it was way too big so needed to put something smaller but still funny there. However I really like the newer one more :D

Here is the older version

My guild leaders siggy Crystal
Made this siggy some days ago : > Was lazy and didn't re-color the professor and clown.

Edited professors hand but.. My friend said it looks like she is eating it. Does it really look like that..? o_o

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