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Gallery of Crisis
won't leave you anyway Crisis
This was an avater for a good friend.... well now.. it's just an avatar for some1 I know...

Poor creator XD But i like wicked nimph a lot ^^
Stay by ur side <3 Crisis
This was the Avatar I made for my friend =) fitting to tha signature ;D my first "real" sprite edit

Thats cute^^ I like the colors you used here. Keep it up ;)
love demonstration Crisis

I just tried to animate the acid demo into an love demo xD but it was harder than I thought it would be...

It's one of my first Ragnarok Signatures xD and even if it is not perfect I'm proud of it =)

Made for my best Friend Yumi (knuff) and the first boyfriend I like of her WizFy (knuddl) hope u like it =)

well xD I wondernd why it took so long to upload xD
Not bad... but why posted it twice? O.o
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