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Gallery of Cadfael
Come Back T.T Cadfael
heheh, editing is adictive!
I did this one less than one day after the other one.

I wanted him tied up somehow but got too embarassed of all the dirty possibilities ><;;;;

So I ended up with this.
Subaru is my priests name~

That sounds so wrong ~_~
You like being kinky with apple juice ^_^
Apple Juice~ Cadfael
My first ever sprite remix. Just a sappy thing of me and my oro husband ^^;;
He was saying once that I was the best friend he ever had, and I made some really crapy analogy that involved apple juice ~_~
I won't bore u with the details ^^;

Sinandez last time I checked u said different thing. something about yellow? I dunno why u deleted ur post T.T
I wanted to try what u suggested but it is gone~

Hi Shugo btw /kis
oRO is a offical server.
i said you should try to make the bg more yellow^^
i just dont want to get in trouble, so i changed my posts^^
Well, ur right... the background colour looks terrible on this peach base ><;;
Trust me though it looks better when not on this site T.T

yeah oro is for oceania. Is that bad? O.O

And LOL to Apple Tea.. u are right that would have been so embarassing ^^;
Apple Tea
i'm glad it dosen't say "you are my apple tea"
oRO ---> Ozeania Ragnarok Online ---> Official Server?
Nice Edit btw^^
like that, it looks nice
but i think the bgcolor should be different^^
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