Idea! Wyvern is the sequal class of crusader, but using dragons instead of grand pecos to ride. Only female players can reach this class cause males had the Serpent Knight.
Dragon can be some kind of a huge pet. So in the begining it is a little Sky Petite and when the player catshes it will be a uniq homonculus. When the pet gets his level loyal the player can change the form of her dragon by a test.
Original dot art from mkdot.
Dragoon Goddess^^
Original dot art from mkdot.
a sig comic :P
yeah it's a little late since pRO now is in Episode 13 :P
but I made this along time ago back when they still were in Episode 12
I made this for Halloween last year. I love making sprite edits and Halloween is my fav holiday, so I had to make something :3
My first edited sprite, still kind of crappy.
However practise makes perfect.
I took the hair from Chung, colored it and used a gypsy base. Hope you people like it
but... they look like pudding, don't they? ó_Ò
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The Wizard who wanted to be a sheep
First I gave him ears and horns, and then I put him in a green meadow. ^^
atm i'm working on a boy for her ;D
Attention: Don't take/use the sprites without my permission !!
Erm.. yes.. *g*
(Irgendwie hab ich den blöden Gesichtsausdruck net hinbekommen, und der Lümmelmann lässt auch zu wünschen übrign, aber naja~ >.<)
EDIT: Wheeee, 500th Pic online. xD
EDIT: definitiv eine sicherheitslücke hier *ebil merledit*!!!
Dunno wher ethe idea to this came form, but i definatly like using Reami the Tigergoddess as model :o It looks like she is telling you either to hug her or join her :D And i added those wings cuz it looked empty without those D: And as i didnt want to use those 08/15 skin wings or Violy wings or what ever most people use, i used Gryphons wings :o Im so damn smart hohoho *-* No, jk :P
assasin high -> Nightblade
high 2nd job -> 3rd job
I honestly never liked the original dancer sprite, so I made one of my own =3
Well, I just tried to create an animation~ That's what came out o.o;
Just a new hat, for the fun .. x)
ALL THIS SPRITE ARE FREE USE IT AS YOU LIKE - Tout mes sprites son libre de droit, utilisez les a votre guise
Neko High Priestess
Ok, here goes
It took me like 3-4 hours to complete
It's my High Priestess
What do you think? Comments are appriciated! =)
Full Image here
Base by: http://www.autumnpixels.com/layout_oct/index2.html
This one is made for a request by emmeline.
Demandings are: - sailor moon outfit
- head is from a character from witch
emmeline if you want to make a better head to the sprite just try. Everybody know you can successed. Enjoy^^
just added lil balls on the feet TT will del the other one if its up
it´s a part from a banner i made for a server
well the server is calles Blubb RO
this girl make bubbels....
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My First RO Scratch Sprite - Revised
With comments from people and my friend bugging me I fixed the sprite up again. The cape was shaded incorrectly so I fixed it, tried to do some cleaner shading on this version. Arms a little bit better, it'll probalby be better once I sprite more poses for it. Oh and that thing floating near it is its pallete, so I its easier for me to keep track of its colors. 19 is the number of colors it has.
Oh yeah and btw I"m a slow spriter, so I constantly re edit my old sprites, so my topic may be boring to see. But i'm hear to get some helpful advice so I can finaly make sure that people are satisfied with the sprite.
in the name of the moon, i shall punish you!
Musical Scale from porings
Hi Hi^^
The idea was to make a sig where eight poring sings the musical scales and as well-known the notes need to be sing in higher and higher voice as you practise.
Well, the outcome is known, so enjoy^^
If there are any suggestions about the sig like: "its too fast" or "Why isn't there angeling? O.o", don't be lazy to post :)
~ Feel free to use!
Avatar for mi nice Friends Lethe und Maya
Lovers under the moon
Lord Knights in a lake under the moonlight ^^
i hope you like it :3
enjoy :D
Use You First And Not Your Mouth
Thix picture is part of a Story. ^^
The Monk is called Zilas an belongs to the Main Charas.
Random blinking emote cuz I was bored. =o
Yay for emote editing ~<3
This is my assassin. It has been created with many sections of others avatar, I have only modified the colors.
I know. My english is very bad!
Lovey dovey High Priest and Whitesmith <3
- edit her hair and the character pose
i made this when i heard " True Love's Kiss" song from Enchanted movie XD
" I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss
And a prince I'm hoping comes with this
That's what brings everaftering so happy
And that's the reason we need lips so much
Four lips are the only things that touch
So to spend a life of endless bliss
Just find who you love through true love's kiss "
-True Love's Kiss by Amy Adams-
the gothic lolita style <3
its funny to make human edits xD
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well yeah xD not so difficult
i think you can see what class it was
i decided to add no tale...because...yeah..eh...too much orange and than the tale is annoying?xD
Please ask for my permission before using this sprite
I'm accurately awesome inside.
Just because someones pretty on the outside, doesn't mean they're pretty on the inside.
Please get my permission to use my sprites.
May I have this dance, my love?
my pleasure to accompany you...
If you ever get lost
I’ll become a star, and light your path
At night, when you smile, or get wet with tears
I’ll be by your side, always and forever
Mika Nakashima - Yuki No Hana
FullMetal Alchemist - Alphonse Elric
I love the Manga. So sad and so funny at the same time.
I've seen Ed on the website so I thought Alphonse could join him.
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° This is an old SE too, one of my firt "kiss" sprites.
° Edits:
-Crusader's arm
-Couple's Face
-Knight's arm
° DO NOT use my images without my permission!! °
° Edits:
-Whole sprite
° DO NOT use my images without my permission!! °
* Long-dress Arch Bishop~
° DO NOT use my images without my permission!! °
Lucky for this HighPriest, this one is low on HP~
Just trying to finish off the series.
I made an edited female HP with some guns in her hand. Hope you like it :)
Please, do not use this picture for your own porpuses w/n my permission! Thanks!
° DO NOT use my images without my permission!! °
Yaaay ^_^ i still can make good edits!! *happy*
for all guys who don't know witchblade:
i changed her "clothes" a lil bit.....because it looked like yeah.... you know how black pixel between legs...look like...
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Well I was addicted in Soul Eater and RO some months ago... >_>
And I got this :3
I know it's not so good... but that's everything my newbie editing skills can do xD
This is the second version of an original character. I think I captured her a lot better in this sprite.
I think anybody who knows Ragnarok Online and saw some class artworks recognize this sprite as a tiny, dotart version :) Was a hard work to finish this one, but still feels like it could have been better if i didn't burnout so early :( Anyway hope you like it!^^
Please, don't use this picture for your own porpuses w/n my permission! Thanks!
Here is a custom sprite of a Paladin that i made long ago. I wasn't satisfied with the paladin's outfit so i tried to make a paladin of my taste of style. Hope you like it!^^
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A female lord knight with some modifications and a little bird. Nothing much, though i like this hairstyle a lot.
Hope you like it^^
Please, don't use this picture for your own porpuses w/n my permission! Thanks!
These are some npc-sprite-wanna-bes, but never get that far for make them into something useful. Once they were a part of a project that was connected with RO, but my friends and others decided to cancel the project. Too bad for the players. :/
Hope you like it!^^
Please, don't use this picture for your own porpuses w/n my permission! Thanks!
Assassin's Creed II - Ezio Auditore Da Firenz
I own both Assassin's Creed I & II on X-Box360.
I consider both of them as some of the best games ever made!
The plot, the gameplay (especially in the second one)..
I just fell in love with Assassin's Creed!
If I had to choose between Altair and Ezio.
Well guess which.. haha.
I know the colors are a bit off but that's the best i could do.
Problems with feet as well.